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Get Summer Ready - Skin, Body, and Mind with My Complete Summer 7 Day Detox Program With a Free Bonus Week. 

Summer is the season of life and energy. But do your feelings reflect that?

Is your body asking for help? Are you feeling exhausted? Not sleeping well? Do you have lackluster skin, and have some extra pounds on your body?


Transform to what you were always meant to be. 

Let's start from the inside and finish it up with beautiful, glowing skin.  A strong spirit.  A strong immune system. A strong body.

Detoxing is typically know to be a seasonal thing. You've heard that it's super beneficial to your body - but did you also know that your inner, your mental, your spiritual well-being is also important?


My detox program starts from the inside out, and focuses on two parts of your body that are super important, your heart and your small intestine.  And in honor of beautiful summer we are focusing on these organs which are in charge of energy, life, and abundance.


You may be suffering from skin issues, heavy mood swings, and gained a bit of weight.  If this is you, then my 2019 Pine Island Wellness Summer Detox is what you need!




Many of my clients who have joined my detoxes have seen the following benefits:


  • Clearer skin, stronger nails, and shiner hair

  • Better Sleep

  • Stronger Sex Drive

  • Fading Anxiety

  • Mental Clarity

  • Weight Loss

  • Decrease in Cravings

  • (and my personal favorite) More energy to do the things you love to do


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This is a great way to start of the summer.  It is a delicious 7 day adventure of discovery while releasing what’s no longer serving you, and we have added a bonus week for those of you who want a little more. When you finally learn to let go of all the toxicity that is causing havoc in your life, you can access the incredible freedom of both body and mind. Besides, who doesn’t want to look and feel their greatest right now? You can also use the recipe guides and tools in this program throughout the whole summer!


You’ll receive all of these life-changing goodies as part of your program:


  • The Detox Guide and The Detox Wellness Kit: These will give you the tools and education you need to detox and cleanse! We are diving deep into supporting the body. Our detoxes are grain-free to fully support the body at the deepest level of detoxing possible. The guide breaks the entire process of detoxing and cleansing down into bite-sized and digestible chunks. You will learn to detox inside and out, letting go of foods, habits, and emotional stressors that are not serving you.

  • A VEGAN OR OMNIVORE SPRING DETOX RECIPE GUIDE, YES TWO RECIPE GUIDE TYPES – YOUR CHOICE (you get both)! This comprehensive guide contains brand-new, seasonal, grain-free delicious recipes. It is an amazing resource for the summer, with seasonal detox food options to give you the flexibility you need to stay on track and satiated.

  • Suggested Meals & Shppping Lists:  I will take the guesswork out of hectic things like meals and groceries! 


  • A  At A Glance of Suggested Meals – You will love the ease of seeing all 7 days of suggested meals clearly laid out, making it easy for you to use your meal suggestions and shopping lists. Just print it out! (and a bonus week after,  So a total of 14 days.

  •  A Journal and A Food Diary​​​

Your program consists of 2 phases:


Prep Phase:  4 days of prepping for the detox 

Clean Eating Detox Phase:  7 days of eliminating common allergens and inflammatory foods and replacing them with whole foods. 


Your investment in yourself is only




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  • No more tired afternoons = more time to fulfill your other life goals!

  • No more confusing fad diets and trends = just healthy and fun, clean eating

  • No more allergic reactions.

  • No more upset stomachs.

  • No more lackluster skin. 



There are pills, powders, or shakes as part of this program.  That means you don’t have to buy any fancy supplements to make it work.  You can find everything you need at your local grocery store or health food store.  


Here is what some of my clients have had to say after they completed a Pine Island Wellness Seasonal Detox:

"As a "non - detoxer" I am amazed at how much I loved this program! This was eye opening- my body thanks you!!"   - Kristin


“This cleanse made me more mindful of what I eat and how food affects my body.  I continued using the recipes after I finished the cleanse. I look forward to the next seasonal detox you are offering!” - Liz


“After the detox, I felt great!  The recipes were delicious and easy to make.  I developed good daily habits from things I learned while being on the cleanse!” - Laura


“After completing the detox, I lost weight and did not feel as full and bloated.  It helped me to realize I was overeating. I have been able to make some lasting changes”. - Mark 


"My husband finally got "regular" so it seems he's bought into this new way of eating.  Feeling stronger, more clear headed and sleeping better.  Remarkably I feel less achy in my joints when I wake up, and my weight is down to a more realistic place for me.  - Elizabeth

This program is a good fit for you if…


  • You’re ready to ditch the diet and figure out what works for you

  • You’re ready to say farewell to the clingy pounds that keep following you around

  • You want more energy, so you can enjoy your life more without feeling exhausted

  • You want to look and feel younger

  • You want to jumpstart your metabolism

  • You want to balance your blood sugar and kick cravings to the curb

  • You’re busy and want quick, easy tools & recipes that work without causing overwhelm

Sound like you?


Then sign up for my Seasonal Detox Program


Your investment in yourself is only $57

A healthy, balanced, and happy body is waiting for you right around the corner!



Can I exchange the meals on a specific day for another recipe in the Recipe Guide?

Yes, you can refer to your Recipe Guide and exchange meals. You do not have to stick to the exact menu in the Suggested Meals.


I’m on a budget. Can I still do this detox?

Absolutely! I pride myself on not pushing expensive powders or meal replacements. The idea is to detox naturally with whole foods.

To eat healthily in a cost-effective way, look for a local CSA or farmer’s market, shop at Trader Joe’s or Costco, or buy food online. Frozen organic produce can also be good value for your money.


I am nursing. Can I still follow the detox?

Yes, you can do this program while breastfeeding, but you will add in extra high-quality protein (animal or plant based) at breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Can I still work out?

Yes, you can still exercise if you feel up to it. Some people have a spurt of energy while detoxing, which I call the detox high. Others prefer to take it easy while they detox and benefit more from light stretching.

©2022 Pine Island Wellness | Elizabeth Sousa

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